Top 10 Most Famous And Largest Forest In World


Amazon Rainforest (South America)
Location: Bolivia,Brazil,Colombia,Ecuador,French   Guiana,Guyana,Peru,Suriname,and Venezuela
Area: 5,600,000 km2 (2,100,000 sq mi )

Aokigahara Forest (Japan)
Location: Narusawa, Fujikawaguchiko, Yamanashi 401-0300
Area: 36 km² (15 sq mi )
Congo Rainforest ( Central Africa)
Location:Cameroon , the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of   Congo, Gabon,and the Republic of Congo.
Area: 3.8 million square km ( 1.5 million square miles)
Dering Woods(England)
Location: Smarden Bell Rd, Smarden, United Kingdom
Area:127 hectares (311 acres)
Freetown-Fall River State Forest (United States)
Location:Freetown ,Fall River,Lakeville,Bristol,Plymouth,United States
Area:5,217 acres (21.11 km)
Gadchiroli Forest (India)
Location:Near Centre of India peninsula and Arabian Sea ,
Area:31 km (11 sq mi)
Hoia Forest (Romania)
Location: Cluj Country,Transylvania,Romania
Area:296 hectares (730.0 acres)
Sambisa Forest (Nigeria)
Location: Sambisa,Borno,Nigeria
Area:519 km
Tsingy Forest (Madagascar)
Location: Melaky Region ,Madagascar
Area: 834.12 km (323.05 sq mi)
Taman Negara Forest (Malayisa)
Location:Malaysia ,pahang, Kelantan
Area:4,344 km (1,678 sq mi)

