Top 10 Scientists In World


Albert Einstein

Born: March 14, 1879, Ulm, Germany
Died: April 19, 1955, Princeton , New Jersey , United States.
Children: Eduard Einstein , Hans Albert Einstein, Lieserl
Some inventions: Special Theory Of Relativity,The Photoelectric Effect,Wave-                                            Particle Duality, The relationship between mass and energy ,and                                     many more.
Thomas Alva Edison
Born: February 12, 1847, Milan, Ohio, United States
Died: October 19, 1931, West Orange, New Jersey, United States
Children: Charles Edison, Thomas Alva Edison Jr, MORE
Some inventions:The incandescent light bulb,the phonograph,and the motion                                          picture camera
Stephen William Hawking
Born: January 8, 1942,Oxford, United Kingdom 
Died: March 14, 2018,Cambridge,United Kingdom 
Children: Lucy Hawking, Robert Hawking, Timothy Hawking 
4 ground-breaking inventions by Stephen Hawking:
 Singularities. ...
 Laws of Black Hole mechanics. ...
 Cosmic Inflation theory. ...                                                                                                          Model of the Universe's Wave Function. ..

Sir Isaac Newton
Born: January 4, 1643,Woolsthorpe Manor House,United Kingdom 
Died: March 31, 1727, Kensington, London,United Kingdom
Influenced: Albert Einstein, Joseph Raphson, Leonhard Euler, MORE
Isaac Newton's Discoveries and Inventions:
  • Reflecting Telescope. ...
  • Laws of Motion. ...
  • Law of Universal Gravitation. ...
  • Method of Fluxions. ...
  • Invention of the Sextant. ...
  • Discovery of the Nature of White Light.  
    Galileo Galilei
    Born: February 15, 1564, Pisa, Italy
    Died: January 9, 1642, Arcetri,Italy
    Children: Vincenzo Gamba, Maria Celeste, Livia Galilei
    Discovered: Europa, lo, Ganymede, Callisto, Rings of Saturn
    Charles Darwin

Born: February 13, 1809, The Mount House, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
Died: April 20, 1882,Home of Charles Dawing - Down, United Kingdom 
Children: Francis Darwin, Anne Darwin, Charles Waring Darwin,MORE
 5 main theory:Variation, Inheritance, Selection, Time and Adaptation.
Born: Syracuse, Italy
Died: Syracuse, Italy
Full name: Archimedes of Syracuse
Archimedes invented :Screw pump, compound pulleys, and defensive war                                                                machines.
Louis Pasture
Born: December 28, 1822, Dole, France
Died: September 29, 1895, Marnes-la-Coquette, France
Children: Jean Baptiste Pasteur, Marie Louise Pasteur, Camille Pasteur, Jeanne Pasteur
Louis Pasteur's Contributions to Science
  • Pasteurization. ...
  • Spontaneous generation. ...
  • Germ theory. ...
  • Infectious disease. ...
  • Vaccines. ...
    Michael Faraday
    Born: September 23, 1791, Newington Butts, London, United Kingdom
    Died: August 26, 1867, Hampton Court Palace, Molesey, United Kingdom
    The Michael Faraday Inventions List
    • Electromagnetic rotation discovery 
    • Liquefaction of gases and their refrigeration 
    • Benzene discovery 
    • Electromagnetic induction discovery 
    • Laws of electrolysis 
    • Faraday cage concept 
    • Faraday Effect discovery 
    • Diamagnetism Discovery 
      Marie Curie
      Born: November 8, 1867, Warsaw, Poland
      Died: July 5, 1934, Passy, France
      Discovered: Radium , Polonium
      Children: Irene Joliot-Curie, Eve Curie 
